Renovations of any kind are a headache. The dust and mess that is created, And the fact that you can't use the space while the job is going on, all adds to making a bathroom renovation one of the toughest. When finished there seems to be more stuff around that must be eliminated off than simply renovating other rooms.
There are so many variations on what is done in a bathroom that it makes it Hard to advise on how best to wash what needs to be done. You could have had tiles replaced or an entirely new tiled wall. You could have had a brand new toilet installed. Hopefully a few of those explanations given by cleaning company columbia md will help.

With fresh tiles on a wall check that the grouting dust was eliminated. Many tilers eliminate dust as they move but there are cases where the grouting slurry has been left over the surface. To eliminate this really is hard. Rub over most of the tiles using a moist sponge and a bleach using detergent gel, bought at the grocery store, and create a lather across the tiles. Return over the tiles when the item is slimy and rub it off with a soft cleaning cloth. A miracle fabric is ideal for this job but you'll need a couple as once they become too wet they depart smears. (Never wash and re-use the wonder fabric.) The tiles will be shiny and clean when you have finished. When there is only light dust coverage on a few tiles simply rub over the surface using a micro-fibre cloth and glass cleanser.
Dust generated during installments will have infiltrated inside the dressing table Unit cabinets and drawers. Wipe over the drawers and shelves using the micro-fibre cloth and glass cleaner to get them dust free.
Look for silicone smudges on the mirror or taps. Is with some eucalyptus oil on a cotton ball. You will have to clean the taps and mirror with the micro-fibre cloth and glass cleanser afterwards since the petroleum leaves a smear.
Quite often when a brand new bathroom has been installed lumps of concrete get left Around the base. Should there be drops of concrete on the tiled floor you'll require the rear of a knife to lift them. Concrete should be sterile to be removed. A dry scrubbing brush can loosen a film of concrete and it may be swept up afterwards with a dustpan and brush.
Like I have said cleaning up after bathroom renovations is not easy, but after The workmen have completed their job and you have cleaned up the results will be Rewarding.